Friday 20 June 2014

Abandoned Places IV: La Petite Ceinture (Montsouris)

So in the spirit of walking as far down La Petite Ceinture as possible, we decided to go back down where we left off in the 14eme and see how far we could get before we hit another dead end. Having walked halfway from Parc George Brassens to Montsouris, we wanted to see what we would discover if we kept going (we also took a guest writer from New York down with us this time).

We came down through our "usual" entrance and covered the first bit of familiar territory, which however had been newly attacked with the artistic paws of the underground Parisians, as such the tunnel walls looked different to the last time we came down.  

Here are some more pictures of the tunnel walls.

My favorite part of this section was how green it was when we came to the end of what was, frankly, a very long tunnel. We presumed by this point we were below Montsouris, but it was quite hard to tell.

Next time we are going to head up to Bercy and see how much we can see over there. Since each section is so different from the last, I am excited to see what we will find up there...

(This is actually from another time we went down, for a night time walk, armed with candles and music. I quite liked this one as it was so different from the others).

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